Here’s the full agenda for Atlassian @ Belgrade’s Confluence

πŸ”Έ Welcome Greetings

  • Β  Β 14:00-14:30 – Gathering & WelcomingΒ 


πŸ”Ή Expert Talks

  • Β  Β 14:30-14:40 – β€œTeam 24: From Vegas to Belgrade” by Yana Kunakbaeva, Atlassian
  • Β  Β 14:40-15:10 – Building a connected enterprise through Atlassian’s System of Work –Β  Lazar DeretiΔ‡, Atlassian
  • Β  Β 15:15-15:45 –Β  Transforming teamwork with the power of AI-human collaboration – Ana MitiΔ‡, Atlassian


πŸ”Έ Coffee Break

  • Β  Β 15:45-16:00 – Enjoy a coffee break and some snacks!


πŸ”Ή Panel Discussion

  • Β  Β 16:00-17:00 – “Atlassian Chronicles: Past, Present, and Beyond” featuring:
    • Β  Β Mina Pap, PMO Director, OTP Banka Serbia
    • Β  Β Iva VjeΕ‘tica, Project Manager, OTP Banka Serbia
    • Β  Β Teodora ĐokiΔ‡, Team Lead IT Help Desk, Ananas
    • Β  Β UroΕ‘ DangubiΔ‡, IT Operations Specialist, Erste Bank SerbiaΒ 
    • Β  Β Predrag Budimir, Director of IT, Yettel Bank Serbia
    • Β  Β Moderator : Marko PopoviΔ‡, Atlassian Business Unit Leader, GET


πŸ”Έ Networking & Lunch

  • Β  Β 17:00-18:15 – Enjoy networking over lunch

Don’t miss out on a day of great insights and networking!